Write For Us

Real Estate, Property, Home Decor, DIY Blog Write For Us

Submit Real Estate, Property, Home Decor, DIY Blog Write For Us

Do you wish to contribute content to one of the most extensive and fast-growing Properties, Real Estate, DIY circles in the world? Look no further; you just stopped to the right address.

How to Volunteer Article?

Before submitting an article for us, please go through propertysnake’s very own guidelines, Terms & Conditions, and privacy policy!

Who would be Able to Write for Us?

Everyone is welcome to write for us

Etc. Candidate, Challenger, Professional bloggers

Guest Posting Guidelines, Terms & Policy

1. Do not forget to include headlines while guest posting.

2. Niches like real estate, properties, Home Improvement, DIY will go with our site themesContribute to original content that can add worth to the readers’ time.

3. We will only allow those articles that are written in the English Language for guest posts.

4. A guest post content has to be a minimum of 900+ words and must be understandable to all kinds of property, DIY, Home Decor readers.

5. We cannot allow a guest post article, which was published elsewhere before.

We cannot allow you to publish a guest post article on another site once we produce your content.

6. It is recommended to add an image. It’s compulsory to include, and it must be distinctive. It should not be published elsewhere, or it should be under a creative commons license and also layout an image credit where necessary.

7. Links must contain proper Anchor text in a guest post, but only those links that will bring forth value to the readers. Only those links can be added that makes sense to be included (Just blind link building is not a primary objective here).

8. There are so many guest post articles out there on the web and creating unique. Quality content is not an easy job, which is the reason why we’ll welcome everyone to include links to quality, and user taste rewarding links to be added.

9. We cannot allow guest posts with spelling or grammatical errors.

10. The content should fit into a blog theme and blog niche.

( Real Estate, Property, Home Decor, DIY Blog Write For Us )

11. By publishing your guest post means that we will own copyrights, and we can recast or improve it where ever we’ll feel the necessity.

12. This can take 2-4 business days to publish your article on our site in the days of more workload.

Real Estate, Property, Home Decor, DIY Blog Write For Us

Please read About Topic suggestions and How to send an article

Way to Submit an Article

We will only allow documents that are written in MS Word.

Add picture(s) in MS Word doc ( where ever you want to display it).

Also, paste pictures individually with email.

Email your article to “mypropertysnake_at_gmail_dot_com” (omit “_at_” & “_dot_” while sending).

Email Title must be “Real Estate, Property, Home Decor, DIY Blog Write For Us.”


Get in touch with us through Facebook page propertysnake.org. 

Note: We accept only sponsored guest posts. Contact us with your proposing price details.

Wish to be a Persistent Writer for Us?

If you are interested in being a permanent author for us, then these guidelines are for you!

  1. Before requesting to be a contributor, you must have to provide at least eight quality content to us.
  2. Every post should be at least 1300+ words long. The more lengthy content you provide, the more chances it gets to be accepted as paid content.
  3. Every content should carry a minimum of one unique image ( All images have to be relevant ).
  4. If an image is not unique, then kindly attach the image source link or Image Credit.
  5. We’ll only allow niches like Home Improvement, Real Estate, Property, Home Decor, DIY Blog | Write For Us.
  6. Your articles must provide excellent worth to the readers.
  7. Readers should enjoy & be satisfied with your articles (our experts will analyze your contents)
  8. Articles should attend search engine rules.
  9. You can include standard valued links but only if it makes a relevant taste (Not only for a back-link purpose)
  10. After becoming a writer, you will post at least two value graded article posts each month.

What will be the Reward for a Permanent Guest Author

  1. An author account on our blog.
  2. Direct authorization for guest posting.
  3. We would be able to respond directly to comments.

We wish you luck with your writing journey!